Saturday, December 19, 2009

Dear Blog,

I've missed you. Sorry I haven't kept you updated. Things got in the way. And when I say that, I mean... I got lazy. =(

I have a feeling this winter break is gonna be worth remembering.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

I've been busy

Like... REALLY busy. There's way too many things happening right now and it's kinda got the feel of like, waiting for all the cars to slow down so you can cross the street. I'm not sure if that made sense but you should know what I mean. I promise to update on everything I said I was going to when I get the chance. Here's a little bit of what's going on.

So Friday, I skipped my mens league basketball game to go play volleyball at the rec because I have CAPILANO BLUES MENS VOLLEYBALL TRYOUTS next Saturday. Kinda shitty since PROM is the night before. It's shitty for another reason and that's because I haven't played since December. Ugh. Talk about bad timing. Hopefully I can make the team. I swear, my setting and hitting has gotten better. WTF eh? A lot of my friends are trying out and they're really good but we'll just see how it goes.

Saturday, I had a Filcansa at 4:30pm. It's was such a sick game. Basically trading the lead every possession. Pretty solid team we went up against. I'm not feeling the "win games by 10 points or less every game." With last year's team, we won by like 30 every game but a win's a win right? After that, went home and to my disappointment, heard the Bulls lost to the Celtics. My relateives were already over by the time I got home so I just went upstairs, put my basketball stuff away and changed my shirt. They were over to celebrate the people's birthdays in May and to watch the Pacquiao/Hatton fight. HOLY SHIT was that fight over quick. 2nd round KO by Pacquiao. My house went NUTS when Hatton hit the canvas. Good thing it ended early cuz I still had to go to Brent's party at Kyle's house. Jesse met up with me at my house and we headed over to Krishan's to walk there. Kaiden comes out of no where and picks us up. He drives us to Kyle's which was soo good cuz it was literally raining like a mutherfucker outside. The party was pretty solid. Rock Band for a bit and just straight chillin' in the living room. Got home at around 3:30am and just passed out on my bed.

Woke up at 2pm Sunday morning and went to the mall with Shane around 4:30 cuz he needed to buy clothes and Microsoft Points. Shit man, shopping with him is rediculous. Sooo picky. Hahaha. He bought jeans, a belt and a Beatles belt buckle. We checked Best Buy to get the points but they were already closed so we went to Future Shop only after a quick stop at Tim Hortons since Shane was craving an Ice Cap. He got 2800 points and ended up buying me 14oo. Stellar is what that is. Joyce Pizza was the last stop before my dad picked me up. So in total, I owe Shane $16. Fuuuuuuuuuuck. I'm so broke. Even when I have money, I'm broke. Does that make sense? Thought so.

And now I'm up cuz I was talking to Aya about prom and other random things. She's really cool. My kind of girl. It's pretty easy to relate to her. =) Oh, and I'm also doing stupid Grad Transition and my Psych book report. Let's see if I can finish both before 4am. Shit. Garth's calling me at 7am to make sure I'm awake. I hate waking up that early to go to school and play ball. Meh. I gotta man up.

Til the next time I'm free.

Thursday, April 23, 2009


absolutely in love with you.

There's been so much going on these past couple of weeks but all I have to do is think of you and things just.. don't matter as much. Yeah, I know I'm cheesy but it's the only way to describe what you do to me. Girlfriend? I wish. You don't even know the way I feel about you. Hahaha. Sorry, but you're just gonna have to wait til I'm ready to tell you. But in all seriousness, where we are right now is good enough for me. <33

Wednesday, April 8, 2009


Geo test on EVERYTHING?! What. the. fuck.

I'll add more to this after I get back from school.

Friday, April 3, 2009

I did a happy dance after getting off the phone with you.

Well, I always do. Hahaha. So.. you guys are done huh? That's... interesting.... Oh who am I kidding? I'm sooo happy. Ho-ly. Sorry if that sounds kind of messed but, you know me. I'm selfish and I want you to myself. Seriously, and I know you don't want me to hate him but, whatever he did.. I think I can do better. No, I know I can.

Wow, I sound like a bitch.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

April's Fool

Haha I can't believe I passed out on you. You txt me 10 minutes after I fall asleep. I had so much to tell you to. =P Oh wells, maybe next time. But seriously, our conversation would've been hil.

Ummm.. I'm not sure if you know this but you deserve SOOOOO much better than him. Like seriously, you don't know how mad I got when you told me all the things he's done. He should be grateful he has a girl like you. I'm not gonna try to be the home-wrecker in your relationship because that would be so d-bag of me. If you love him, well... there's really not much I can do about it. Just for you, I'll try to keep all those comments about how bad of a boyfriend he is to myself. Key word there is try. And just to get it off my chest... you'd be better off with me.

On a much happier note, Happy birthday my lovely Gaby. Love, Seth.<3

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Ganun ba?

Aaaaahahaha! FOB moment!

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Empty your mind.

Be formless, shapeless.. like water. Now you put water into a cup, it becomes the cup; you put water into a bottle, it becomes the bottle; you put it in a tea pot, it becomes the tea pot. Now water can flow, or it can crash. Be water, my friend.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

It feels so good

to have you in my life again. <3

Sunday, March 22, 2009

That's Death!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

This is what my heart does at night..

“Nothing” - Gabe Bondoc

I dream about the way it was back when things the were new..
.. before the changes in our lives changed our lives for good.
It might have not been for better babe, but I know, you know it had to be done

I try to go about my day.. get my own thing.
But all I want is you back in my arms babe.
Where do you belong?
.. where does all my love belong?

There’s really nothing I can do.
Cuz’ everything just leads back to you.
.. and no there’s nothing I can say..
.. that can change the way that it’s always been.

Totally jacked this from Tumblr.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Leaving on a jet plane.

Have fun in Hawaii! See you in 10 days, Tess.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Stronger Than

Oh my gosh. I haven't had an emo moment in like... forever. Yeah, kinda sucked. =/ After psychology today, I realized just how much of an LB I was in grade 9. Not noticing girls until around this time beacause I was just not into them at the time. Being so noob as to poke/bug the girl i liked. As I look back at the things I did back then.. ugh. What horrible ways of courting her. Seriously, I CAN'T believe I was seeing a girl for a whole year. "Why don't you guys just go out already?" is what I heard majority of the time. We were perfect. And I mean PERFECT. It was just.. bad timing. OKAY THERE. Enough of that. This post has become an emo one too. Lame.

Monday, March 9, 2009


i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i'll never be anything else but a friend to you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

I'm cooler than that guy.

So I'm sitting on the couch holding the remote
Flipping channels, I'm a rebel eating a bowl
Of them fruity pebbles, fruity pebbles, fruity pebbles
How gangsta is that? Not gangsta at all.
Aww you judging me dawg? Please, you shop at the mall.
Me, I shop at boutiques, limited quantity sneaks
Where do these quantities be? Maybe they all on my feet?
But I don't get it though, about year ago, you said my gear was wack
Nigga, now my gear is dope?
I guess it goes full circle like a Cheerio
'Cuz you rocking what I was rocking like a year ago.
You said my chain was lame then you go and get a rope?
You clown-jokesters pose for Poser posters

Told you when I woke up, hold it like holsters
And STOP! While fold the rest of my clothes up.
Love the hypocrites, hating until you make it
Wack swagga jackers, but my steeze ain't for the taking.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

And as it is I dream of her tonight.

I've just seen a face
I can't forget the time or place
That we'd just met, she's just the girl for me
And I want all the world to see we've met.

Falling, yes I am falling

And she keeps calling me back again.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Fired Up

What a good movie. I swear, that's going to be me and Jesse within 2 years. =P Too bad he couldn't come and watch it with me, Shane and Garth. But anyways, us 3 met up at Joyce and skytrained it to Metro. When we got there, we headed straight to the theatre cuz we got there with like 20 mins before the movie started. Got in and some pretty hil previews were shown. The movie was funny most of it. Kinda chick-flicky near the end but whatever. It IS about cheerleaders and all... We discussed if it was considered a comedy as we were walking to the skytrain station and we decided it was just a situational comedy. Hmmm so after that we ate at Joyce Pizza. Everything after this was pure freestyle. First we start walking up to Kingsway and pass Shane's house. We end up at Safeway, walk around it for a bit and then go back outside to check if the Starbucks on Kingsway was open. It wasn't. We then decided to go to Dairy Queen. As we look inside, we see there's a looooong-ass line up so we pass by Garth's house and walk to Champlain Square. The Starbucks was still open so we went in, bought our drinks and just talked about school memories. On a random note, I do NOT feel like I'm in grade 12. OKAY soo... Starbucks starts to close and then we end up at my place. We play Rock Band until 11:30 when they decide to leave. What a great day.

Friday, February 27, 2009

Sensual Seduction

Yup, that's our band name alright. I'd just like to say... we're freaking NUTS. So the first band we killed off turned out to be my little brother's. It was pretty funny because we let them choose the song and weren't even trying when we played it. Jesse got 100% on the song and like.. wanted to leave the auditorium. Hahaha. The second band, we suckered into play Ballroom Blitz on Expert. Poor drummer, failed within 20 seconds of the song. As for us, we Gold Star-ed it. Pree' easy. Tmr we have some random band that beat Shane's in the pre-lim's. I think if we beat them, we'll end up playing Shane's band in the Finals. Hopefully we do. We'd pick the dopest song. Most likely Foreplay/Longtime to end it.

Friday, February 20, 2009


Sooo woke up at 10am and Shane came over at around 11. Played rock band till 5. Ugh, I gotta practice. He kicks my ass by max 5% each song. I am very disappointed in myself. Oh wells, we'll see what happens on the 26th.

"You're band should be called El niƱo sucks." HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Good one Shane.

Harry Jerome at 7:30 with Sebast. Matt Ng and Kevin Lin were the only ones who were there with us. Boy do I suck. That first time I've played volleyball since school season ended. It took me a bit to get back into the groove. My passing was pretty solid or maybe it was because we were playing with shitty people... whatever. After playing with the noob old people, we got a court to ourselves and we played beach style since there was tape on court that had the dimensions of a beach court.

After finishing the match by smoking it at Kevin: "Dumandan, Senez take the match 3-0! SHIT SEBAST! THAT'S HOW WE'RE GONNA MAKE TEAM BC!" HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Tryna get that Kobe number, 1 over Jordan

Congrats boys on beating Burnette. I called it yesterday didn't I? I think I did. =) Hahaha.

School was again.. bunk. Oh well, at least it's a pro-d tmr. Looks like I be playing with Jesse, Jared and Ryan for the tourney. Gotta practice a lot though since we haven't played in a bit. Shane's coming over tomorrow so we can score dual and "get ready"... although we ARE in different bands, it'll be fun I'm sure of it.

Soooo after watching Killarney play Saints, I can say that I am NOT impressed gentlemen. Y'all are waaaaaay better than what I saw today. You guys got rocked on the offensive rebounds and free throws were a problem... AGAIN. I still have maaaaaad faith in you guys, but you kinda shot yourselves in the foot by losing today. So now you have to play Tupper on Tuesday and if you don't win, then you're done. C'mon boys, shit's easy. =P

Wednesday, February 18, 2009


"316" was NUTS. They're back on the island. OMG. I can just tell next week is gonna be killer. I <3 Kate. =)

So anyways, chillin' after school with Garth at Champlain. Got some Tasty Wok into my system. Pree' good. I swear, if they don't beat Burnette today, I'm gonna kill somebody. Ugh, school is sooo bunk. I'm just waiting till Friday. The pro-d is really what I'm needing right now. Also, I'm excited to see the play at Temp. Hanne made it sound cool so... I'm getting my hopes up right now. =P

Monday, February 16, 2009