Sunday, May 3, 2009

I've been busy

Like... REALLY busy. There's way too many things happening right now and it's kinda got the feel of like, waiting for all the cars to slow down so you can cross the street. I'm not sure if that made sense but you should know what I mean. I promise to update on everything I said I was going to when I get the chance. Here's a little bit of what's going on.

So Friday, I skipped my mens league basketball game to go play volleyball at the rec because I have CAPILANO BLUES MENS VOLLEYBALL TRYOUTS next Saturday. Kinda shitty since PROM is the night before. It's shitty for another reason and that's because I haven't played since December. Ugh. Talk about bad timing. Hopefully I can make the team. I swear, my setting and hitting has gotten better. WTF eh? A lot of my friends are trying out and they're really good but we'll just see how it goes.

Saturday, I had a Filcansa at 4:30pm. It's was such a sick game. Basically trading the lead every possession. Pretty solid team we went up against. I'm not feeling the "win games by 10 points or less every game." With last year's team, we won by like 30 every game but a win's a win right? After that, went home and to my disappointment, heard the Bulls lost to the Celtics. My relateives were already over by the time I got home so I just went upstairs, put my basketball stuff away and changed my shirt. They were over to celebrate the people's birthdays in May and to watch the Pacquiao/Hatton fight. HOLY SHIT was that fight over quick. 2nd round KO by Pacquiao. My house went NUTS when Hatton hit the canvas. Good thing it ended early cuz I still had to go to Brent's party at Kyle's house. Jesse met up with me at my house and we headed over to Krishan's to walk there. Kaiden comes out of no where and picks us up. He drives us to Kyle's which was soo good cuz it was literally raining like a mutherfucker outside. The party was pretty solid. Rock Band for a bit and just straight chillin' in the living room. Got home at around 3:30am and just passed out on my bed.

Woke up at 2pm Sunday morning and went to the mall with Shane around 4:30 cuz he needed to buy clothes and Microsoft Points. Shit man, shopping with him is rediculous. Sooo picky. Hahaha. He bought jeans, a belt and a Beatles belt buckle. We checked Best Buy to get the points but they were already closed so we went to Future Shop only after a quick stop at Tim Hortons since Shane was craving an Ice Cap. He got 2800 points and ended up buying me 14oo. Stellar is what that is. Joyce Pizza was the last stop before my dad picked me up. So in total, I owe Shane $16. Fuuuuuuuuuuck. I'm so broke. Even when I have money, I'm broke. Does that make sense? Thought so.

And now I'm up cuz I was talking to Aya about prom and other random things. She's really cool. My kind of girl. It's pretty easy to relate to her. =) Oh, and I'm also doing stupid Grad Transition and my Psych book report. Let's see if I can finish both before 4am. Shit. Garth's calling me at 7am to make sure I'm awake. I hate waking up that early to go to school and play ball. Meh. I gotta man up.

Til the next time I'm free.